香港快意討論區's Archiver

古惑強 發表於 2010-4-29 11:33



letsrock 發表於 2010-4-29 11:51

Because" 被控不小心駕駛" "法官判刑時指,意外涉及人命,監禁無可避免,刑期是考慮到對方車輛超載及有乘客無扣安全帶。"

But then, "被告本身有17次違反交通條例記錄,包括醉駕、超速及駕駛時使用電話"

[url=]Should watch this film[/url]

古惑強 發表於 2010-4-29 12:05

That guy ran away from the scene of the crime, and only turned himself in 11 hours later, if there were an alochol in him system, would have all washed out by such time!

The victim who died did put his seat belt on, so the over-loading had no or little bearings on his death!


I did watch that movie on the plane, but I didn't understand the beginning part, did the guy and his family suffered as victim of random crime, or was he targeted by the criminals due to his CIA connections?

momo 發表於 2010-4-29 12:46


letsrock 發表於 2010-4-29 14:00

[b]回復 [url=]3#[/url] [i]古惑強[/i] [/b]

    Yes, the guy and his family suffered as victim of random crime.  The 2 criminals raped then murdered his wife and daughter.

古惑強 發表於 2010-4-29 14:14

I am trying to forget this movie, the story line is sending terrible ideas into my mind.

letsrock 發表於 2010-4-29 14:31

Gerald Bulter played a very determined person with a mind of a genius, but also a psycho....

古惑強 發表於 2010-4-29 18:26

Actually I felt great when the mobile phone took out that stupid judge!

letsrock 發表於 2010-4-29 21:57

[b]回復 [url=]8#[/url] [i]古惑強[/i] [/b]

    That scene reminds me of Final Destination.

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-2 11:11

正久觀 – 普通人早就要坐咗幾碌啦!

[quote]有襲警案底的終審法院    法官包致金姪女,本年初在司徒拔道駕車時發生交通意外,警員到場調查,她被要求作酒精測試    時,突然發難並打算離開現場,警員上前勸阻遭掌摑。她於較早前承認襲警、不小心駕駛及拒絕酒精呼氣測試    三項罪名,今早在東區裁判法院被判感化12個月、罰款8000元及停牌1年。
[color=Red]裁判官判刑時表示,被告已有兩次襲警記錄,今次的案情更嚴重,如果不判罰,會對公眾帶來錯誤訊息[/color],但被告的感化及心理報告指出,她患有燥狂抑鬱症    ,導致有酗酒問題,考慮到被告有好的學歷及[color=Red]家庭背景,認為她應該接受治療,因此不考慮判監。[/color]
裁判官指,被告在感化期間要到美國    進行針對精神問題的住宿治療,為期3個月,返港後再進行戒酒治療,並定時提交進度報告,如果感化官不滿意進度,可要求法庭延長感化期。

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-2 13:50

[b]回復 [url=]10#[/url] [i]古惑強[/i] [/b]

    So she got away with drink and drive?!

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-2 14:35

[quote]她於較早前承認襲警、不小心駕駛及拒絕酒精呼氣測試    三項罪名,今早在東區裁判法院被判感化12個月、罰款8000元及停牌1年。

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-2 14:42 she wasn't even charged with drink and drive....

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-2 15:16

"拒絕酒精呼氣測試" carries the same punishment as "Drunk Driving".

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-2 15:26

ic, so she got a fantastic deal...

Simon 發表於 2010-8-2 22:40

律証師正考慮判處理據, 聽落好似仲可以加刑咁.

bobby 發表於 2010-8-2 22:52

佢地唔做野,睇怕阿sir 會成日比人星....

Simon 發表於 2010-8-3 21:25

(商台)2010年8月3日 星期二 20:50
警方就終審法院    法官包致金姪女襲警一案的判刑,向律政司    提出要求覆核;包致金姪女,年初在一宗交通意外,拒絕進行酒精呼氣測試    ,又掌摑在場警員,昨日在東區裁法院被判十二個月感化令    、罰款八千及停牌一年;大部分前線警員指判罰過輕,質疑法官未有盡力保護執勤警員的安全。

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-3 22:38

Probably she is already on a Jet Plane! F$#k HK justice!

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-4 09:33

Anyone want to take a view on whether this drunken mentally disturbed well educated wealthy family background with loving parents repeated offender will ever turn up for the re-trial?  I bet she would already be out of town by then!  Anyone want to take a different view?  A breakfast?

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-4 10:09

I am with you on this.

fiatkid 發表於 2010-8-4 10:58

out of town ??? But 被判十二個月感化令. She can't leave HK, can she?

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-4 11:23

感化令 but with Special treatment permit to go to USA for mental care!

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-4 11:35

[b]回復 [url=]26#[/url] [i]古惑強[/i] [/b]

    BTW, has anyone come across a case when the judge suggested mental care taken overseas?  And I wonder who pays for it?

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-4 11:46

律 政 司 決 定 , 根 據 裁 判 官 條 例 104 條 , 就 終 審 法 院 常 任 法 官 包 致 金 姪 女 襲 警 案 的 判 刑 , 提 出 覆 核 。
發 言 人 強 調 , 明 白 社 會 對 案 件 的 關 注 , 律 政 司 經 全 面 及 仔 細 考 慮 後 , 作 出 有 關 決 定 。

包 致 金 姪 女 Amina Mariam Bokhary , 因 為 襲 警 罪 , 日 前 被 判 12 個 月 感 化 令 , 罰 款 8000 元 及 停 牌 一 年 。

多 個 政 黨 及 團 體 今 日 先 後 向 律 政 司 請 願 , 要 求 就 這 件 案 件 提 出 覆 核 , 以 消 解 公 眾 的 不 滿 及 疑 慮 。

Trevor 發表於 2010-8-4 12:15

癡線架, 有錢真係大輪哂!{:4_111:}

富家子無牌醉駕 又輕判社服







案件編號:ESCC 2268/2010

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-4 21:00

法庭:李麗娟女甩超速罪 維持原判 [url][/url]





案件編號:ESV 87/2009

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-4 21:03

[b]回復 [url=]29#[/url] [i]Trevor[/i] [/b]

    Trevor, did you see my post on FB?

"The issue with BOKHARY is the indifference of the charges in details.

Assault with intent to commit offence, or on police officer, etc.
Penalty on person assaulting, etc. police officer in execution of duty, or misleading officer by false information ; this has been used against the protestors in HKG over the past 10 years,


Penalty on person assaulting, etc. police officer in execution of duty, or misleading officer by false information, used against Ms. BOKHARY.

Different laws used against different "class" of civilians who committed the same act.

Fair? Seems like the problems originated from DOJ.

But then, Mr. Richkid,
1)Taking conveyance without authority
(2)Driving without a driving licence
(3)Using a vehicle without third party insurance
(4)Driving a motor vehicle with alcohol concentration in breath exceeding the prescribed limit
(5)Careless Driving
and WTF does doing well in school, had a positive probation officer's report and spent leisure time in charity work has to do with these offenses?

This is the problem with Magistrates' Court.

And how can be forget the incident of the "friendly pictures", rape in the Police station...etc? Hong Kong is become more like China, at least the credibility of the HKG juridical system will be matching it soon."

Simon 發表於 2010-8-6 17:17

維持原判. 吹咩!

greenbug 發表於 2010-8-6 17:23

真係你有你小, 佢有佢判........

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-6 18:12

Expected, as the way should be the DOJ appeal and press a different charge, OFFENCES AGAINST THE PERSON ORDINANCE - SECT 36.

Then the chances of jail term will be much higher.

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-6 20:27

[quote]Expected, as the way should be the DOJ appeal and press a different charge, OFFENCES AGAINST THE PER ...
[size=2][color=#999999]letsrock 發表於 2010-8-6 18:12[/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/quote]

Sorry can't do that, as under the British Common Law system, the Prosecution has presented a case with the appropriate Charges, the Defendant accepted such Charges and pleaded guilty, the court accepted the guilty plead and then handed out a sentence, as far as the system is concerned, the case is completed.  [color=Red][b]You can not trial the guilty party under another charge for the same crime. [/b][/color]  However, 轆正屎 can (and WILL) bring this case to Court of Appeal, as 轆正屎 had pointed out that 正久觀 have made fundamental error in the case!

See you in Court of Appeal, however the defendant would be long gone by then and serving her time at a pool side in the USA!

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-6 21:54


原審裁判官阮偉明今就刑期維持原判時表示,感化報告指被告BOKHARY,Amina Mariam因情緒問題才犯下案件,認為判監會影響被告康復。他又稱曾經考慮判被告監禁,但今次是要找出發生事件原因,故決定維持原判"

So they are just appealing on the sentence, or on the charges placed?

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-6 22:38

Appealing on the sentencing, as there is nothing to appeal on the charges, the defendant has pleaded guilty on all 3 counts and the court has accepted the pleaded, so that bit is closed.

Trevor 發表於 2010-8-7 00:15

I have a gut feeling that serious sentencing will not be made eventually...

letsrock 發表於 2010-8-9 07:11

[b]回復 [url=]35#[/url] [i]古惑強[/i] [/b]

    Someone spotted her at CX lounge, leaving to LA yesterday.

古惑強 發表於 2010-8-9 08:22

Yap, no thanks to 久觀!

letsrock 發表於 2010-11-3 13:17

霍 啟 人 承 認 醉 酒 及 危 險 駕 駛   被 判 社 服 令 停 牌 一 年         
2010-11-03 HKT 12:30
audio                崔蔚恩報道
已 故 全 國 政 協 副 主 席 霍 英 東 的 孫 兒 霍 啟 人 , 承 認 醉 酒 及 危 險 駕 駛 , 被 判 160 小 時 社 會 服 務 令 , 停 牌 一 年 , 未 來 三 個 月 需 要 參 與 駕 駛 改 進 課 程 。

裁 判 官 指 , 今 次 罪 行 嚴 重 , 醉 酒 是 沒 有 藉 口 不 乘 坐 的 士 , 考 慮 被 告 有 良 好 的 教 育 背 景 , 真 心 悔 改 , 故 判 處 社 會 服 務 令 。

Simon 發表於 2010-11-3 21:01

真 心 悔 改 {:2_30:}

peterkoon 發表於 2010-11-3 23:19


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