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Simon 發表於 2011-7-31 20:20

Roll centre

經Chris解釋,原來Roll centre係用黎修正行車傾則時呔面未能完全貼地的現象.
靜止情況校camber, 但校之後都未必改善到入彎時camber不足而省外呔.
似乎上次TRC不斷甩尾情況可能可以用roll centre去修正.

romeochris 發表於 2011-8-1 00:01


romeochris 發表於 2011-8-1 00:06

Manual 多數會用「在轉緊彎時比唔比架車roll 多尐」eg.CG 和RC 的距離...作為解釋,但其實師傅話從呔面的磨損可以作為調整的參考。

AbarthJoe 發表於 2011-8-1 00:28

睇黎 Chris 已經修練好 RC 呢個 topic.  可以開班授課.

Simon 發表於 2011-8-1 07:23

Effects of Front Roll Center Adjustment
Front roll center has most effect on on-throttle steering during mid-corner and corner exit.

LOWER front roll center

* More on-throttle steering
* Car is less responsive
* Better on smooth, high grip tracks with long fast corners

HIGHER front roll center
* Less on-throttle steering
* Car is more responsive
* Use in high grip conditions to avoid traction rolling
* Use on tracks with quick direction changes (chicanes)

Effects of Rear Roll Center Adjustment
Rear roll center affects on- and off-throttle situations in all cornering stages (entry, mid, exit)

LOWER rear roll center
* More on-throttle grip
* Less grip under braking
* Use to avoid traction rolling at corner entry (increases rear grip)
* Use under low traction conditions
* Increases traction, reduces rear tire wear

HIGHER rear roll center
* Less on-throttle steering
* Car is more responsive
* Use in high grip conditions to avoid traction rolling
* Use on tracks with quick direction changes (chicanes)

bobby 發表於 2011-8-2 11:25


Simon 發表於 2012-2-13 07:23

roll centre 係因為果兩支搖臂伸廷連接, 再在接點連接去呔和地面. 果條線同中心線相交的就係roll centre
所以搖臂斜向內可以降低roll centre

Simon 發表於 2012-2-13 07:26

而個重心(CG)就會roll around個roll centre, 所以如果CG離roll centre開D, 車身roll 可以多D.

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