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超貴Speeding ticket

ST. GALLEN, Switzerland – A Swiss court has slapped a wealthy speeder with a chalet-sized fine — a full $290,000.

Judges at the cantonal court in St. Gallen, in eastern Switzerland, based the record-breaking fine on the speeder's estimated wealth of over $20 million.

A statement on the court's Web site says the driver — a repeat offender — drove up to 35 miles an hour (57 kilometers an hour) faster than the 50-mile-an-hour (80-kilometer-an-hour) limit.

Court clerk Heidi Baumann-Becker said Thursday the unidentified driver can appeal the decision, handed down in November, to the Swiss supreme court.

The Blick daily newspaper in Zurich reported the fine was more than twice the previous Swiss record of about $107,000.

本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2010-1-10 22:16 編輯

Assuming that is US$, that would be equivalent to HK$2.262MM, or 1.45% of his estimated wealth.

Base on an average 5% yield of this driver's wealth, it would take 106 days to cover this ticket cost.


瑞士擬罰飆車男 793萬
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=14340167
極速達 290公里
瑞士警方指,飆車男價值 14萬英鎊( 170萬港元)的平治 SLS AMG超級跑車,坐擁 570匹馬力和 6公升引擎,馬力大速度快。他上周五駛至來往伯恩和洛桑市的高速公路後,放肆超速 2.5倍,達時速 290公里,瘋狂程度前所未見,連普通快相機也無法拍下他的惡行。
警方連忙驅車追截,並用新一代雷射偵測器拍攝他的速度。飆車男見警車尾隨,乖乖減速,但仍溜前逾 500米才能煞停車。他辯稱速度計失靈,警員扣起他的車牌,拖走跑車。飆車男毋須入獄,但根據瑞士規定,超速罰款以司機收入及違規程度來計算,法庭隨時以最高 300天,每天 3,600瑞士法郎( 2.64萬港元),向飆車男開出 108萬瑞士法郎的罰單。
瑞士超速罰款在全球數一數二。今年 1月,瑞士一名富豪駕駛法拉利跑車,在一條車速限制 56公里的鄉村公路,以時速 100公里至 137公里飆車,結果被法庭重罰 29.9萬瑞士法郎( 220萬港元)。另一名保時捷車主,前年也因超速被罰 11.1萬瑞士法郎( 81.5萬港元)。


Perfect adv for SLS.

