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http://www.autoblog.com/2011/04/ ... r-cars-too-closely/
Flying road debris is a scary enough prospect when you're paying attention to the road and not filming the truck driving along beside you with a cameraphone. While we don't think the driver could have reacted quickly enough to avoid the flying road debris at that distance if he weren't busy recording, we certainly don't advocate this sort of thing.

According to the video's description, everyone inside the car was miraculously okay, though their nerves were no doubt more than a little frayed. According to a study by the American Automobile Association, 25,000 accidents like this one happen every year, and around 100 of those are fatal. Yikers. Take a deep breath, then follow the jump.



Holy shit!


The driver who very nearly filmed her own death has been interviewed by NBC's Today Show after video of her shocking road debris accident went viral. Wendy Cobb of Shelby, North Carolina was driving on April 1 when the accident happened.

Cobb says she was using her cameraphone to film two trucks who were holding up traffic so she could report the incident. As Cobb turned her phone toward the road in front of her, the truck and trailer in front of her kicked up a 2x4 lying in the road that shattered the windshield of her Kia Sedona minivan and very nearly impaled her. Luckily, Ms. Cobb's children weren't with her when the accident happened, or the results may have been far more tragic. According Cobb, the only injury she received was a tiny glass cut. Damage to her car was limited to the hood and windshield.

Cobb says she hasn't watched the video since the day of the accident, but has received plenty of emails from people who still think it was an April Fool's prank – check out the video after the jump. Thanks for the tip, Adam!


又係鼻哥窿擔傘 , 鼻毛可避!·

