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標題: steel manifold and gas consumption [打印本頁]

作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-11-19 15:24     標題: steel manifold and gas consumption

I have seen a few good deals with the SS manifold for IS300, and wonder if it will add pressure to the fuel consumption?
Many thanks in advance for helping.
作者: Jason16VT    時間: 2009-11-19 15:40

ALL SS manifold (if equal length) is original design to add performance and save fuel at the same time. However, since the performance goes up. People will like to step more on the gas to get the fun out of it and leading to higher fuel consumption.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-11-19 15:46

Many thanks jason!
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-11-20 10:36

本帖最後由 letsrock 於 2009-11-20 10:37 編輯

Wow, reply from seller about this"the megan one is brand name version of the same header/downpipe. It come with 1 year manufactory warranty(directly from megan only). For the generic one, there is no warranty issue for that. This is the only difference. Both fit the same car and model."
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-11-25 07:09

Ordered, US $170 w shipping.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-14 16:17

Manifold arrived, muffler arrived, springs arrived.   Taking to garage tomorrow and then will take a run to Airport on Wed to test it out.
作者: Simon    時間: 2009-12-14 19:48

Make it ready quickly, so we can test it before next season begins....
作者: Simon    時間: 2009-12-15 23:23

Technical support is needed here.
原來換蕉要拆催化, 因為個O2sensor又無位放,家下架IS300著左engine燈.
我記得有樣咁野叫oxygen sensor simulator,
ebay 又有得賣, 仲唔貴.
唔知大家有無試過呢? 個原理係啱, 不過實際又如何呢?
作者: Simon    時間: 2009-12-15 23:36

try try this ... 27378022fd5b4a5a8ea
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-15 23:54

Found this.
作者: 古惑強    時間: 2009-12-16 00:56

Okay, this is basically a simulator for the 2nd O2 sensor, it should be able to fool the ECU to believe that the catalytic converter is alive & kicking, while it has actually been dismantled, and therefore avoid an catalytic converter error.

It should work, but your exhaust pipe is going to be pretty smelly!
作者: Eric    時間: 2009-12-16 08:32

just gound the O2 sensor wire and it will work (for my old cars).
作者: Simon    時間: 2009-12-17 22:41

This IS300 is looking like a project car gradually.
Perhaps you should summarized what you have done to it...
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-21 17:43

29th for the O2 cheater and also muffler.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-22 14:36

Installed O2 cheater this morning, and the engine light came on after about 5km.....
作者: AbarthJoe    時間: 2009-12-23 01:19

O2 cheater cheat the buyer?
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-25 18:42

Checked installation and everything correct, also the led indicator is on.  Reset computer, and then engine light still came on after about 10km.............

Due to the engine light is on, gas consumption has increased about 20%.
作者: 古惑強    時間: 2009-12-25 19:52

Oh shit!
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-25 22:12

回復 18# 古惑強

    Yeah, that is why i am thinking to switch back to the original one.

But really, when the engine light wasn't on yet, could really feel the car had more power and much faster response.
作者: coupeelvin    時間: 2009-12-25 23:07

I think you can try to wire the 1st O2 sensor output as the 1st and also the 2nd O2 sensor signal to try out.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-25 23:39

回復 20# coupeelvin

    What do you mean?  Can you elaborate on this?  You mean to the O2 cheater?
作者: 古惑強    時間: 2009-12-29 16:42

Are you going back to original or you are asking someone to help you with the O2 cheater?
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-29 21:58

回復 22# 古惑強

    Will be switching back to the original tomorrow.
作者: coupeelvin    時間: 2009-12-29 22:32

回復  coupeelvin

    What do you mean?  Can you elaborate on this?  You mean to the O2 cheater ...
letsrock 發表於 2009-12-25 23:39

You should have 4 wires on the O2 sensor, or the O2 cheater. 2 of them are signal wires, and 2 of them are the heater filament. Well, you can:
1. wire the signal from the front O2 sensor to the rear O2 sensor socket. (note, not the rear O2 sensor or rear O2 cheater, BUT the socket for the original rear O2 sensor)
2. wire the 2 filament wires from the rear O2 sensor socket to the O2 cheater's filament wires.

In this way, the rear O2 sensor signal will follow that of the 1st O2 sensor...

BUT I'm not sure if this will work.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-31 14:16

I am totally haunted by the engine light.
作者: PuntoPatrick    時間: 2009-12-31 16:14

U better try another cheater.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2009-12-31 17:18

Seems like there is more O2 sensors  for the Asian version, vs US.  

Found the issue to be another one that is located at the middle of the mid pipe.  Maybe that is why the O2 cheater doesn't work.

But due to the sunk cost and time that have already involved, i am giving up on this.
作者: coupeelvin    時間: 2009-12-31 21:26

Shoudl should mod. old cars rather than new cars. new cars has too many restrictions
作者: 古惑強    時間: 2009-12-31 22:25

Sounds like you need an additional 02 cheater.  But then again, it is a bad idea to de-cat a foot car that you use everyday.
作者: Eric    時間: 2010-1-2 09:25

Go and see if Leung can help on this issue.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2010-1-2 09:31

Thanks all.
作者: letsrock    時間: 2010-1-2 16:46

Finally changed 3 sensors. so now back to the old manifold with new sensors.

after 20Km, no problem at all (touch wood).
作者: letsrock    時間: 2010-1-15 16:17

It has been over 1 week.   The car is running fine.

Alvin helped me to clear the throttle shuttle and also replaced to iridium spark plugs.  It has faster response now.

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