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有朋友send比我一d直噴vw的盤頭相片. 相當不濟事.
多數係經常行市區又少做運動之故. 好似膽固醇塞住咁.
Marcus, 你又真係唔駛驚有此現象.
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據知VW廠因應市區行走多的香港車, 已大大改動引擎腦的噴油模式, 行少一個最lean的stratified mode, 令車頭無咁震.
即係idle時噴多左油, 可能因此會令佢咁多碳屎都唔定.


本帖最後由 ka716 於 2010-1-28 13:07 編輯



Very interesting information wow!  For 1~3 yrs old FSI engines should be ok, as they are within warranty and serviced in the dealer's workshop, so I guess any issues can be sorted out by the dealer within reasonable cost.  

For modified FSI engines, one must be very careful, as a lot of parts would be operating out of their original designed parameters.  Trouble is that, ECU modifications can be done via program upload into the ECU system, and can be reversed by uploading the factory settings into the ECU, so any 2nd hand buyer will have no way to confirm whether the ECU has been modified before, and whether the engine has been operating outside its original parameters.


From Taiwan:
letsrock 發表於 2010-1-27 16:09

很好的資訊。但係,睇完之後... 原來買二手 FSI / DSG 都幾易“懶野”,因為好容易保養不當...



I've read that we well, but mine is out of the manufacturing date range. So maybe I should say I'm lucky not to be driving a problematic DSG Golf ~ haha.

回復 25# letsrock


On the side:VW recall, HKG.


回復 19# marcus

Marcus, you should buy a stick shift FIAT


回復  古惑強

The S4 is with twin turbo and seems like it is not affecting those engines bor.
letsrock 發表於 2010-1-13 08:00

According to the Audi forum, all direct injection engines are effected in certain extend in this moment, 2.0FSI and the RS4 engine seems to be worst effected.  Seems like the crankcase oil catch tank is not working well, causing excess oil fume to be sucked into the intake manifold , without the injected fuel washing out the deposit in the intake runner, carbon deposits start to build up on the back of the intake valves.


回復 18# 古惑強

The S4 is with twin turbo and seems like it is not affecting those engines bor.


Eeeee.... 我架野唔係好大食jor喎....... 行左成7-8千都未叫食Engine Oil 喎!!


回復 19# marcus

Yes! 舒筋活骼!


睇完之後我都好鬼驚... 唔通係咁所以佢轉波會Chok Chok 下 ? 咁睇嚟最好嘅解決方法都係帶佢做下運動啦...


回復  letsrock

Is that why Marcus's Gti drinks a lot of engine oil?
Trevor 發表於 2010-1-12 22:20

Speaking to my tech, he did acknowledge this is widespread across FSI engines, not just on RS4s.

In fact last week he had an R8 for the same issue. Coincidentally, that same R8 was burning 1 qt oil every 500 miles, which I recon is excessive. Wonder if there is a direct relationship - i.e. cars exhibiting excessive oil burn (be it because of bad break-in or other) are more prone to CB.

http://forums.audiworld.com/show ... on+build&page=5


There is something to laugh at his R8 neighbour too.


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2010-1-12 22:49 編輯

Oh well!  I guess the RS6 Audi will come off from Letsrock's wish list for the time being!


The Audi forum has extensive discussion on this.
http://forums.audiworld.com/show ... hlight=carbon+build


回復 9# Trevor

    ??? Really????  What kind is he using?  Maybe we can find traces at the throttle shuttle?  Any brothers have any insights on this?


AbarthJoe 發表於 2010-1-12 22:23

Nope!  Don't think so, as it happens to RS4 as well, don't think RS4 owners will drive their beasts too slowly!

