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Rikki, your chance comes.

(法新社)2010年1月30日 星期六 14:50
(法新社紐約    29日電) 美國    知名電動車大廠TeslaMotors今天表示,計畫首次公開發行股票(IPO),希望能籌資1億美元    。


Tesla在交予SEC的文件中指出,截至去年12月31日,已在18個國家總共售出937輛 Tesla Roadsters跑車。

Tesla生產由鋰電池提供馬力    的5人座新款轎車「Model S」,將於2012年推出,預估底價約5萬美元。



Details on the deadly airplane crash that took the lives of three Tesla Motors employees are now filtering in, including the identities of the deceased. As reported yesterday, the Cessna 310 aircraft was owned by 56-year-old Dob Bourn, who worked as a senior electrical engineer at the electric car company, and he was indeed piloting the aircraft when it went down.

The other two passengers have been identified as Andrew Ingram, 31, of Palo Alto, an electrical engineer; and Brian M. Finn, 42, of East Palo Alto; a senior manager of interactive electronics. Finn reportedly lived with his one-year-old daughter just two blocks from where the plane went down in East Palo Alto.

It's still not known what caused the plane to go down, but the San Jose Mercury News reports that it was likely a mechanical problem of some kind and not necessarily due to the foggy conditions that were encountered on Wednesday. Click past the break for a video from the Contra Costa Times.


Rikki, your chance comes.

(法新社)2010年1月30日 星期六 14:50
(法新社紐約    29日電) 美國    知 ...
Simon 發表於 2010-1-30 22:45


Wah!  ...................... will need a very brave heart to invest wow!




http://www.autoblog.com/2010/07/ ... ow-below-ipo-price/
Tesla shares in freefall, now below IPO price


Considering the price is the same as a M6 or 997 4S in US, what would you really go for?


Tesla Roadster Sport 2.5規格
馬力: 288hp/4,400rpm-6,000rpm
扭力: 400Nm/0-5,100rpm
查詢: 9842 8920( Tesla Motors HK Ltd)
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=14499331


現時 Tesla Roadster分 2.0及 2.5版本,入門版 Tesla Roadster 2.0售價不足一百萬,如果你認為車價貴,先計計數,電動車可豁免首次登記稅,每年牌費僅$827,是否化算,有數得計。


事關它的鋁合金車架由 Lotus Elise開發而來,不過它較 Lotus Elise更強化,除散熱頭冚、防滾柱及尾冚等採用碳纖物料外,其實全車外殼都採用碳化纖維,務求達到輕量化效果,外形上為它添上不少跑味。

電動 Lotus....


電動車加速唔駛等架! 呢D 400Nm/0-5,100rpm 既扭力係會嘔架!


真係想像到會點嘔,如果電魔打可以好短時間達到最高扭力,而有足夠動力去抵消車重,咁電跑車應該有lauch control 做標準設備。咁其實電車個波箱只係用黎平衡魔打輸出,係咪最適合用cvt或者根本吾洗波箱,用電變算數?


回復 11# PuntoPatrick

    Like RC's?


Interesting, I never quite thought about whether Tesla is using a grearbox at all.  Emm ...... let's do some arm chair research on this topic.


Seems like it start off as a 2 speed gearbox and then upgrade to a 1 speed gearbox in 2008.  No mention of what type of gearbox it, whether CVT or something else.

http://www.autospectator.com/car ... rbox-tesla-roadster
http://www.motorauthority.com/bl ... -new-one-speed-unit


Usually, EV only need 2-sp gear box. As patrick pointed out, the torque output can be controlled by electricity.


TOKYO—Panasonic Corp. said it has invested $30 million in electric-car maker Tesla Motors Inc. in order to cement its relationship with a notable start-up in the fledgling electric-vehicle market and expand its own push into green energy businesses.

Panasonic, which currently supplies lithium-ion batteries for Tesla's automobiles, said it now holds around 2% of Tesla shares after purchasing the stock in a private placement at $21.15 per share. Tesla shares rose 52 cents to $21.77 in trading Wednesday on the Nasdaq Stock Market.

Rechargeable batteries for electric and hybrid cars are a main focus of Panasonic's efforts to create a stable of energy-related businesses, including solar panels and fuel cells. Last year, Panasonic acquired a majority stake in onetime rival and rechargeable-battery leader Sanyo Electric Co.

By strengthening their partnership, Panasonic and Tesla plan to jointly market and sell Tesla battery packs using Panasonic's battery cells. Several battery makers currently supply to Tesla, but the U.S. company has picked Panasonic as a preferred supplier of lithium-ion battery cells.

Tesla introduced its first car, the Roadster, in 2008, then a second version last year. It plans to introduce a Model S sedan in 2012, with the goal of producing about 20,000 cars a year.

As bullish growth forecasts predict a sharp increase in demand for lithium-ion batteries to be used in electric cars, auto makers and electronics companies are rushing to strike partnerships to develop and produce the batteries.

Sanyo is working on battery technology with a number of different auto makers including Honda Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG, while Panasonic only has a joint venture with Toyota Motor Co. and supplies Tesla.

Toyota, which invested $50 million in Tesla earlier this year, and Daimler AG are also shareholders in Palo Alto, Calif.-based Tesla.

Panasonic announced this summer it would raise its investment in Sanyo to a total of about 800 billion yen ($9.91 billion) to make the company a wholly-owned unit in order to speed up decision making and counteract the aggressive investments being made by South Korean rival Samsung Electronics Co.

Panasonic's shift to energy-related businesses comes at a time when the company is struggling to recoup the heavy investments it made in flat-panel televisions, a business plagued by relentless declines in prices and fierce competition.

Write to Daisuke Wakabayashi at Daisuke.Wakabayashi@wsj.com and Juro Osawa at juro.osawa@dowjones.com


Interesting!  But I don't have the guts to invest in Tesla!

