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本帖最後由 Simon 於 2010-2-7 18:24 編輯

電視新聞話第三代prius 250G要回收喇喎.只係日本17萬架.

$200 million is going to the 85 attorneys at 25 law firms for fees, plus another potential $27 million for their expenses.
http://www.autoblog.com/2012/12/ ... -unintended-accele/


挑那星, PK 花旗佬發爛咋四圍搲.


花旗佬 性老屈!





Toyota being sued by shareholders for lying about its business

Last Friday, Toyota's stock closed at $79.56. That represents a 12-percent drop in market capitalization. For those keeping track, that's a loss of $15 billion. Naturally, there are a number of none-too-pleased shareholders hanging on to their stock in the Japanese automaker.

As such, it comes as little surprise that law firm Murray, Frank & Sailer has filed a class-action lawsuit in U.S. District Court in California on behalf of any and all shareholders who purchased stock between Dec. 22, 2009 and Feb. 2, 2010. The suit contends that Toyota issued "materially false and misleading statements" and "failed to disclose ongoing safety issues and quality control problems with Toyota's automobiles," especially issues related to alleged cases of unintended acceleration.

Would shareholders that purchased stock in Toyota have done so if the automaker had taken a more pragmatic stance on the problems it was about to face? It would seem that's up for a judge to decide.

Peter Henning, a Wayne State University law professor cited by The Detroit News, points out that securities cases are notoriously difficult to prove. "You are going to have to prove knowledge among the corporate management. Unless something else emerges, it seems that Toyota didn't think that it would be the kind of problem that it turned out to be," said Henning.

A three-judge panel is set to meet on Thursday to consider this and all other impending class action suits against the beleaguered automaker. Until then, Toyota certainly has its hands full with potential headache-inducing litigation to consider.


(星島)2010年3月18日 星期四 14:00
日本    豐田汽車    公司旗下多款型號的汽車因為油門腳踏失靈而無故加速,該公司在全球進行大規模回收    及為車主進行維修後,非但未能平息這場風波,反而引發新的問題。美國    當局至今接獲超過100宗投訴,有車主聲稱他們的汽車進行了維修後,問題依然存在,像過往一樣會無故加速,擔心會產生危險甚至引致車禍。







The unintended acceleration case of the second-generation Prius belonging to James Sikes now officially has an interesting backstory. Apparently, according to USAToday, Sikes' "case against Toyota is starting to look shaky." Why? Two reasons. First, and most important, is the technical argument. Toyota is saying that Sikes' Prius has a brake override system that should have slowed the car down in the situation Sikes has described to the media and to investigators. Also, looking at Audi's history with a similar problem back in the 1980s, it's often driver error that led to the acceleration, not a problem with the vehicles themselves.

Second, and only to consider possible motives for pretending something was wrong when there really wasn't, Sikes is apparently deep in debt according to financial records uncovered by Jalopnik. He has said repeatedly that he doesn't plan on suing Toyota, but he has retained a law firm.

As we said yesterday, there is no obvious explanation for why Sikes' Prius (and a similar model in New York a few days later) sped up and there's a case to be made that the hype is getting out of hand. Still, something happened, and the sooner we get the facts here, the better off we'll be. For now, we'll just have to file this under "Ongoing."





豐田更換 160萬輛車引擎油管
日本最大車廠豐田問題接踵而來,繼因油門和煞車系統失靈在全球回收 800萬輛車後,豐田昨(周二)宣佈在全球銷售共 160萬輛車可能漏油,須更換引擎油管, Camry、凌志 ES 350等暢銷車款都受影響。
豐田昨發表聲明稱,多款汽車的引擎油管的橡膠底部份可能出現破孔,可導致漏油和損害引擎,去年 10月起已逐步通知相關車主維修。豐田強調,這次更換引擎油管不涉及安全問題。
北美受影響車款,包括 2007到 2010年款的 Camry, 2006至 2009年 Rav4, 2007至 2008年凌志 ES350, 2007至 2009年 RX 350, 2007至 2009年 Avalon,合共 130萬輛。日本有 Harrier、 Estima、 Blade、 Mark X Zio及 Vanguard五款共 4.5萬輛車受影響。其餘 90個國家共 23萬輛車也受影響。


【on.cc專訊】 皇冠車行發表聲明,表示收到 Daihatsu 日本車廠通知,1999年至2000年出廠的 Daihatsu Atrai 7 軚盤安全氣囊系統內電線有可能出現短路,導致氣囊有機會自動彈出,需要進行回收。由於有關型號已出廠多年,相信部分已不再在路上行駛,估計涉及車輛不多於50部。

代理 Daihatsu 的皇冠車行表示,現階段積極透過運輸署聯絡車主,安排其座駕返回維修中心更換電線,目前未收到香港客戶的相關投訴或意外報告。


(明報)2010年2月25日 星期四 20:40


"Every",萬事得的名為"Mazda Scrum"。


回復 20# Simon

over 咗喇 首領...




Sorly Sorly say sorly...

Toyota president Akio Toyoda will reiterate his belief that the company grew too big, too soon when he submits a testimony to the US Committee on Oversight and Government reform on Wednesday.

Toyoda's submission follows the recent global recalls affecting Toyota, and follows a separate Congressional hearing on Tuesday, during which his company was accused of ignoring one of the causes of sudden acceleration on its cars.

“I fear the pace at which we have grown may have been too quick. I would like to point out here that Toyota’s priority has traditionally been the following: First; safety, second; quality, and third; volume. These priorities became confused,” Toyoda will say.

“We pursued growth over the speed at which we were able to develop our people and our organisation."

Toyoda's admission comes despite the fact that Toyota expanded its engineering workforce in Japan by more than 1300 staff between 2007 and 2009, having already identified a need to add depth in this area.



(法新社)2010年2月13日 星期六 09:35
(法新社紐約    12日電) 美國    政府官員說,豐田汽車    (Toyota)在主要是油門和煞車瑕疵而連續大規模召修後,今天又因傳動軸問題,宣布召回約8000輛Tacoma小貨卡進廠檢修。

不願透露姓名官員說,召修的傳動軸是零件供應商德耐公司(Dana Corp)去年12月至本月初製造的產品。

官員表示,德耐公司昨天向美國國家高速公路交通安全管理局(National Highway TransportationSafety Administration),提出召回通知書,並說,會負責處理供應福特(Ford)、豐田和日產(Nissan)車廠傳動軸檢修問題。




You could be right!

You can hate the cars but still love the stock.

Lost in the flurry of headlines recently about Toyota Motor's recall over faulty gas pedals and brakes was news of a remarkable feat for an automaker these days: The Japanese company actually made a profit last quarter.

Which raises an intriguing possibility: If Toyota strings together more profitable quarters, will investors kick themselves someday for missing a chance to have bought a piece of what is still arguably a great company on the cheap?

Sean Thorpe, co-manager of foreign stock investments at Reed, Conner & Birdwell in Los Angeles, thinks so.

He'll talk your ear off about his profit estimates for Toyota and where he thinks the stock, down 19 percent in three weeks, should be trading.

But the specifics of his argument, or whether he's even right, are less important than his instinct here: Buy on the bad news, not the good.

It's a tiresome bromide, but the fact is, investors frequently do the opposite, taking comfort in buying and selling along with the crowd.

The history of investing, and during recalls in particular, shows this is often a mistake.

• Stock in Merck & Co. hit a nine-year low in October 2004 shortly after it withdrew its painkiller Vioxx, linked to heart attacks and strokes.

Customers sued but the drug maker shrewdly decided to litigate cases separately, instead of as a class, which resulted in far lower legal bills than many feared. Investors also underestimated Merck's pipeline of future drugs.

The stock has had a bumpy ride in the past five years but is up 27 percent versus a 10 percent drop in the Standard & Poor's 500 index.

• Johnson & Johnson shares plunged in the early 1980s after it pulled Tylenol from shelves amid a cyanide-lacing scare and, later, competition from newly approved over-the-counter versions of the painkiller ibuprofen.

But the worries eventually blew over, and the stock tripled in the three years through April 1987.

• Intel shares fell 8 percent in eight trading days on speculation in December 1994 it would have to replace its flawed Pentium chips.

The chips were spitting out wrong answers in rare cases when asked to divide into extremely large numbers. Once the recall was announced, the shares quickly retraced its losses, doubling over the next six months.

"Recalls can be a buying opportunity," says Gene Grabowski, senior vice president of crisis manager Levick Strategic Communications. "There's usually a substantial blow to the shares, but they typically climb back in five or six months."

Buying on bad news, recalls or not, has been the route to riches for many famous investors.

The late philanthropist John Templeton, for instance, made a killing scooping up slumping shares in dozens of companies in 1939, and with borrowed money no less.

Warren Buffett bought stocks during the bear market of 1974. Instead of fear, he felt, as a magazine quoted him at the time, "like an oversexed guy in a harem."

Then there is Prem Watsa of Canadian insurer Fairfax Financial. He bet against the S&P 500 while everyone was buying stocks in the late 1990s before the dot-com crash.

More recently, he amassed insurance contracts that paid out on corporate defaults before the credit crisis. Fairfax stock has doubled in the past five years.

Of course, there have been plenty of examples of bold investors who got it wrong. One with mud on his face recently: billionaire Joseph Lewis, who put $1 billion into Bear Stearns before it collapsed.

The question for Toyota investors: How much worse is the news going to get before it gets better?

Rebecca Lindland, an analyst at researcher IHS Global Insight, suspects a lot worse.

"This is a company used to accolades, not accusations," and may not have faced up to all the problems with its cars, she says.

What's more, she thinks the hit to Toyota's reputation could hurt sales for years even if it has come completely clean already.

Lindland says the company was already on track to lose market share in the U.S. this year thanks to inroads from Hyundai and Subaru.

And those losses now are likely to accelerate if crucial first-time Toyota buyers unhappy with the recalls decide to bolt from the brand.

"These buyers are not loyal, and not likely to come back," she says.

Even before the recall, Toyota was struggling. People weren't buying as many cars as they were before the recession. Adding to the company's pain: A strong yen, which cuts overseas profits when translated back into the Japanese currency.

But Thorpe, the Toyota bull, thinks the wind is at the company's back now that the economy is recovering. His bet is that recalls will be a "vague memory" in a few years.

Buttressing that view, car retailer AutoNation CEO Mike Jackson said Thursday that he expects Toyota to quickly regain "most of the share that it lost" to competitors.

Thorpe's prediction: The company's U.S. shares, called American Depositary Receipts, will fetch at least $100 a piece in three to five years, up from a recent $74.60.

If they rise that much in three years, investors buying now would see their money compound, before dividends, at a 10 percent annual rate.


It's time to buy Toyota's shares at a bargain...


唔止回收返去整, 仲要停產. 即係真係好嚴重, 唔知咩事, 拿拿林咩都唔好做住咁.

(法新社東京    11日電) 在豐田汽車    公司(ToyotaMotor)社長面臨更大壓力,以向美國    國會解釋大規模安全召修豐田汽車之際,豐田本週將停產日本    兩款混合動力車。


豐田面臨美國一連串的集體訴訟,美國運輸部長拉胡德(Ray LaHood)10日在美國廣播公司(ABC)的「早安美國」(Good Morning America)節目發表談話,矢言將對豐田「施壓」。

美國眾議院監督暨政府改革委員會(HouseOversight and Government Reform Committee)共和黨要員伊薩(Darrell Issa),敦促豐田社長豐田章男(Akio Toyoda)在月底聽證會,向國會和消費者解釋豐田對產品瑕疵危機的處理。


豐田表示,還不知道豐田章男是否計畫出席聽證會。聽證會日前因華盛頓    遭暴風雪襲擊而延遲至24日。(譯者:中央社盧映孜)


First time to hear this phrase.
letsrock 發表於 2010-2-10 11:36

Let'rock你真係一個幸運的人, 呢句話我好似要常掛口邊.

