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本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2010-10-5 18:56 編輯
greenbug 發表於 2010-10-5 17:02

10yrs should be okay, for
the interest rate you should budget a bit higher, as banks normally  charge a higher interest rate for car park, since it is regarded as investment..


多謝大家意見, 會積極考慮。


20 年就唔得, 十至十五年多數 OK
Coupe Coupe Go Go Go!!


其實自用既話又負擔到就緊係買好過租.... 你係唔係個個月都要比 2K人洗, 不如比自己荷包, 大前提係 ...
jockey 發表於 2010-10-5 16:20



其實自用既話又負擔到就緊係買好過租.... 你係唔係個個月都要比 2K人洗, 不如比自己荷包, 大前提係要拎舊 Cash 黎比首期.... 到你唔楂車或搬時咪賣Q左去


租 = 2200 X 12 X 10 = 264000 , 十年後你再租唔租都係唔見左 264000

買 = 首期 200000 供十年, 2%p.a (大約) 每月還 1840 + 管理費 , 十年後個位係你 ... 每個月比管理費 or 賣Q左去, 賣Q左你衰極都賣到廿皮掛
Coupe Coupe Go Go Go!!


At $2.2K p.m., that would give you a min. yield of 5.5% p.a., if it is self-used then return rate is slightly better as there is no vacancy rate to discount.

Flip the coin and say if you seek a bank loan from a bank to get financing, basically you will need 50% down payment, and as long as you can get an overall borrowing rate below 5.5% for the remaining amount, you wil be enhancing the overall return on your investment.

Put it very simply, you would be taking up interest rate risk + market price risk vs future inflation risk.


Now I pay $2200 / month for parking, so my thought is to turn my expenditure into investment.


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2010-10-5 15:34 編輯

Let take the simplistic view of renting out the parking space, after paying out the management fee / land tax / Govt tax / vacancy gap, you only get 10 months rental per year.                                               

With monthly rental at $1000        p.m.   annual yield is 2.50%
With monthly rental at $1500        p.m.   annual yield is 3.75%
With monthly rental at $2000        p.m.   annual yield is 5.00%

If you can get rental charges at $1500, in today's low interest rate environment, it is an ok investment.  If you can get $2000 p.m., then it is a very reasonable investment.  If you can only get $1000 p.m., I won't bother.


I will rather rent a parking spot. At $2K rental per month, it will takes 16.5 yr to use up the $400K. Do not think you will live there for over 10 yr.

