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I think he is enquiring for his Coupe.


I am using cheap cheap cheap mechanical boost controller!


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2009-6-25 23:20 編輯



Mr. Crazy is different laa, his turbo is on full boost all the time, so I reckon the wastage must have suicided ages ago!


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2009-6-29 12:07 編輯

其實我乜春都唔識,本來我對機械式水喉掣頗有抗拒, 因為機械式水喉掣係完全冇晒油門角度做 modulation ,因為就算係輕腳油門,個 wastage 都係完全關到實,所有死氣係去晒推個渦輪,但原廠EBV真係年事已高柴柴地,上唔到高叭乜濟就十分冇癮,洗o左個EBV兩次好返少少但都唔係幾得,冇計之下唯有聽從臣哥轉用 cheap cheap 機械式水喉掣!嘩! 一試難忘,現今雖然知道可以買個全新既EBV,不過個機械式水喉掣又真係幾 raw 同幾狂野,又唔係幾想轉反原裝添!






我果個cheap cheap水喉掣,攪左好耐都set得吾好,早排駁番原裝個ebv,又開心番晒,其實實際上水喉掣可以超壓之外,可吾可以減lag呢?
PuntoPatrick 發表於 2009-6-29 13:01

Your cheap cheap 水喉掣 is the electronic one or the mechanical one?


Get a simple mechanical one as a temporary measure, as all the vacuum pipe works had been put in place by the garage, albeit it was put there by mistake!  


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2009-6-29 18:27 編輯
PuntoPatrick 發表於 2009-6-29 15:04

Those cheap cheap electronic one are not really that reliable, you are better off to use the factory EBV or a cheap cheap mechnical one for better reliability.


不過因為無入油, 殺左一半就鳴金收兵.
Simon 發表於 2009-6-29 18:15



本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2009-6-30 00:12 編輯
唔明喎。乜原裝個 EBV 會做左咁多野? 咁即係話換左機械式水喉掣 Off 波比油都會起 Bar?
AbarthJoe 發表於 2009-6-29 23:58

Interesting, I never try that but I guess it should!

From my very limited understanding, the on-board computer is supposed to monitor the throttle position angle, engine rpm, engine load, air pressure (16v)/ air flow (20v), water / oil temperature and the preset mappings to determine the frequency of the switching of EBV, in order to achieve an in between boost level from base boost up until max boost.  Now replaced by a 機械式水喉掣, it has only 1 input parameter which is the built-up air pressure within the inlet manifold pipe, and until it reaches the pre-set limit (max-boost), then pressurized air will be let through the 機械式水喉掣 and push open the wastegate.



16v turbo 行 Max 1.0 ~ 1.1 bar左右。 唔好貪心呀!


我果個cheap cheap水喉掣,攪左好耐都set得吾好,早排駁番原裝個ebv,又開心番晒,其實實際上水喉掣可以超壓之外,可吾可以減lag呢?
PuntoPatrick 發表於 2009-6-29 13:01

I don't think it can help to reduce turbo lag, as the turbo still requires the same rpm to generate the same boost as before, but I guess it would instead improve the spool up time as the 水喉掣 does help to keep the turbine spinning almost all the time.  But we do lost all modulation from the factory standard EBV.


There is other type would be a Pressure Bleed Valve, provide that your factory EBV is still working properly, you can install the PBV along the pipe to the turbo actuator, and then set the PBV to raise the base boost from 0.5 bar to 0.6 bar, while retaining the control effect of the factory EBV.


本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2009-7-2 10:09 編輯



Ok to bid for it at low low price, you never know you may get lucky!  Don't know whether it comes with manual or not, it would be quite difficult to setup without the manual.


PuntoPatrick 發表於 2009-7-8 11:58

Start bid at JPY980 = HK$80 + handling + shipping, don't think you can find the initial bidding start from so low in HK wow.


That is very strange!


A good explanation here why the manual boost controller make the turbo spools up feel so aggressive vs the standard factory controller.

If the relief valve is placed in the turbo to waste-gate actuator pipe it acts as a boost controller. The relief valve can be adjusted to give the desired boost pressure by simply adjusting the spring pressure. This is done by lengthening (lower the boost) or shortening (increasing the boost) the relief valve. One of the excellent characteristics of a relief valve is the way the boost is controlled. Due to the way the relief valve ‘cracks’ open once the spring pressure has been reached – no air is acting on the waste-gate actuator until this time. This means that the boost is much more aggressive and rises much more quickly than a turbo car without a relief valve. This is because normally a waste-gate actuator actually starts to open the waste-gate at very low boost levels, gradually opening wider as boost rises until it is fully open – at which point maximum boost has been reached. This has the effect of smoothing the boost all the way until maximum boost is reached. Since a relief valve prevents air getting to the wast-gate until the preset boost level is reached maximum boost is reached more quickly making for a more exciting launch.


Yes, I think I do have a spare one.  Will let you know tomorrow.

