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Lotus has announced that Mike Kimberley will step down as the company's chief executive on July 17 due to health problems. Kimberly, who will turn 71 this August, has been enduring back problems for some time and has been advised by doctors to retire in order to maintain his long-term health. In an official statement, Kimberley announced:

"Sadly, it is on doctor's orders that I am stepping down but I will leave confident that Lotus is in great shape with a strong management team fully supported by our shareholder in Malaysia,"

In the interim, the Lotus Group's board members will assume control until a replacement for Kimberley is anointed with the bearing oil from a Lotus 25. Official press release after the jump.

http://www.autoblog.com/2009/07/ ... -to-medical-issues/

當Ford(福特) Fiesta用擠牙膏式的宣傳手法弄得大家有點煩時,同樣的行銷策略移到Ferrari(法拉利)新車458 Italia之上,大家卻反而顯得樂此不疲。Ferrari透過階段性逐步釋出458 Italia訊息釣足了大家的胃口,但同樣的手法玩久、玩多了還是會膩,正苦思找不到「梗」之餘,Ferrari資深副總裁Dany Bahar突然離開Ferrari到Lotus(蓮花)車廠擔任執行長的消息為大家帶來驚訝,當然我也就能順水推舟把其他兩支458 Italia影片和圖片給送上!

這項消息在9月3日以前還僅止於傳言,怎知才隔了一天的時間Lotus就把相關的訊息寄到信箱,原來Dany Bahar成為Lotus總裁的事實從今年10月1日就開始生效,Lotus期待這位曾在F1、Ferrrari市售車部門,與售後服務部歷練過的專業經理人能夠為Lotus帶來顯著的成長與進步。不過或許是消息來的太快,大家才感到措手不及,畢竟Dany Bahar不久前才為458 Italia拍攝過廣宣短片。

