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標題: 又到Toyota Sienna回收 [打印本頁]

作者: Simon    時間: 2010-4-18 22:08     標題: 又到Toyota Sienna回收

豐田汽車問題沒完沒了,繼日前凌志 GX460多用途消閒車( SUV)被指有翻車危險要停售後,在北美洲大受歡迎的 Sienna七座位旅行車,因後備車胎有可能飛脫問題,豐田前天(周五)宣佈在美加回收 87萬輛。

今次要回收的 Sienna七人車是 1998年至 2010年出廠,美國佔 60萬輛,加拿大佔 27萬輛。豐田表示, Sienna若在結冰路面行駛,而公路倘若撒了含鹽的融雪劑,車身後面備用的車胎架鋼纜,可能因銹蝕而斷裂,以致後備車胎飛脫,對尾隨的車輛構成危險。美國國家公路交通安全局表示,已接獲六宗後備車胎脫落的投訴個案。
另外,豐田前天證實美國《消費者報道》指凌志 GX460確有翻車危險, GX460車會繼續在全球暫停售賣,直至問題解決為止。
作者: letsrock    時間: 2010-7-1 12:13

TOKYO –Toyota Motor Corp. said Thursday that it is preparing to fix a problem with engines installed in up to 270,000 vehicles sold worldwide.

The affected models include its Lexus LS, Lexus GS, Lexus IS and the company's Toyota Crown, a spokeswoman said.

She added that the company has found a problem with the engine valve in the vehicles, which may cause the engine to stall when the vehicle is running.
作者: Simon    時間: 2010-7-3 06:52

原來咁斷法. ... valve-springs-w-vi/
作者: Simon    時間: 2010-7-7 06:25

作者: letsrock    時間: 2010-7-7 06:26

"Toyota says that the defect is caused by the presence of contaminates within the spring material." someone from the purchasing was taking bride?
作者: 古惑強    時間: 2010-7-8 09:05

Purchasing department ............. possibly the most lucrative job in such organisation.
作者: Simon    時間: 2010-7-9 18:39

為穩定車輛品質 Toyota計劃延長開發時間
晨早就要啦, 佢出左咁多理論書,乜鬼Toyota Management System, 物鬼Just in Time. 頂佢, 而家點教呀.
作者: coupeelvin    時間: 2010-7-9 21:02

所有的咩野Just in Time呀, Lean manufacturing呀,都係要黎減少成本。唔係增加performance。 課本加番呢一句就得喇。

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