新車主打俾我求救....前晚自炒埋的士屎忽...問我有冇料 : 頭冚-泵把-頭燈-右頭沙板-龍門架!!依家話頭冚開唔到.如果揾唔到料就焗住要劏....各位大哥盡量幫吓手.我都晤想佢就咁收皮...拜托!!!作者: paul 時間: 2010-6-3 10:31
okok, will help, don't cry la作者: PuntoPatrick 時間: 2010-6-3 12:25
em..u can use the spare front parts of our spare punto cab at Elvin's place, it have front bonnet, frame and bumper u need, and should have one pair of front headlight there.作者: PuntoPatrick 時間: 2010-6-3 12:31
又一自殘例證...作者: 陳水扁 時間: 2010-6-3 12:51
ths...等佢覆咗我先...家吓仲未知佢打算點做作者: paul 時間: 2010-6-3 13:58
I have checked my stock, I have 頭冚-泵把-右頭沙板, all are separated from the frame.作者: 陳水扁 時間: 2010-6-4 01:31