惠普發言人Mark Budgell在公司博客中寫道﹐目前還不清楚新生產的TouchPad將在何時上市﹐也不清楚會生產多少台。Budgell還稱﹐公司無法保證可以生產足夠的產品來滿足市場需求。作者: Trevor 時間: 2011-8-31 19:13 標題: HP Touch Pad
Wtf? Did he know what he was talking about? If the new stock marked at original price, I wonder if they can sell any.
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用作者: Simon 時間: 2011-9-12 07:19
A good move on HP's part?
HP has confirmed it will offer refunds to customers who bought Touchpads and Pre 3 phones before the price drop.
On its official website, it lists the refund amounts customers can claim for different webOS devices, which is the difference between what they paid for it and the new lower price.
Amounts of over £300 will be sent back to customers of the webOS devices.
The offer is only eligible for those who activated their devices before 23 August 2011.