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It’s a one-two punch that packs pure performance. In a special one-off collaboration, Subaru UK has teamed up with legendary engine manufacturer Cosworth to produce the ultimate Impreza STi.

And it’s not just performance and power that has been improved, handling and styling have also been worked on, resulting in a car that Subaru claims will set a new standard for all-wheel-drive hot-hatches.

Exact details about the Impreza STi Cosworth’s performance figures and cost are still unconfirmed but all will be revealed closer to the vehicle’s March on-sale date.

Read more: http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/new ... .html#ixzz0fPW89USm

跟住落黎個 Cosworth 章都會幾好賣。


Subaru New WRX STI在日本賣到供不應求
Subaru(速霸陸)的WRX STI上個月才在台灣發表,而事實上它從今年7月1日在日本發表以來,目前到10月底止,在日本當地已經接單超過2400台(其中1800台是四門車型),比起原先預估的1200台銷售目標還要多了一倍。此外,WRX STI四門款 ,也變身為賽車遊戲Gran Turismo 5的熱門車型之一。

2011年式的WRX STI搭載AWD全時四輪傳動系統,與Boxer水平對臥引擎,能發揮絕佳運轉效果和低重心優勢;此外,底盤方面採麥花臣式前懸吊、雙A臂後懸吊的設計,搭配新型襯套和全新設計避震器,更有效提升剛性、降低震動、提升循跡穩定性,兼顧舒適與操控。

WRX STI進排氣系統在原廠的調校下,馬力300匹、扭力41.5kgm;同時搭配SI-Drive智慧行車模式控制系統,及6速手排變速系統,在今年的Nürburgring賽道的挑戰上,造就7分55秒的STI最快紀錄。

