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本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2011-2-23 09:45 編輯

Big big lemon coke!

Libya declared force majeure on oil- product exports, and imports are also blocked, Reuters reported, citing trade sources it didn’t identify.

Crude Oil surged to the highest price in more than two years as violence intensified in Libya, the holder of Africa’s largest crude reserves. Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi said on state-run TV that the police and army will impose order, vowing to use force if necessary. Gadhafi’s crackdown on the weeklong uprising has already left more than 200 dead, according to Human Rights Watch.

Crude for March delivery gained $5.62, or 6.5 percent, to $91.82 a barrel at 1:18 p.m. on the New York Mercantile Exchange after rising to $94.49 a barrel, the highest intraday price since Oct. 3, 2008.

Force majeure is a legal clause allowing producers to miss contractual obligations due to circumstances beyond their control.

Prices pared gains after Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Ali al- Naimi said there is “absolutely no shortage of supply” and that members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will be ready to meet a shortfall if one develops.

The unrest in Libya will have limited impact on oil production as other OPEC members have enough spare capacities, Commerzbank AG said.

“As long as the conflict is restricted to Libya, OPEC could easily cope with Libya’s total absence from the market given the spare production capacities of 5-6 million barrels a day and Libya’s current daily output of 1.6 million barrels,” Commerzbank analysts led by Eugen Weinberg said in a report to clients today.

OPEC can produce 34.8 million barrels a day, according to data compiled by Bloomberg News. The 12 countries pumped 29.4 million barrels a day in January, according to the data.

Libya, an OPEC member, produced 1.585 million barrels a day in January, according to Bloomberg data.

Nymex  95.54
Brent    105.99
WTI      93.57


希望唔好比暴徙霸左個油田, 之後一定比美國派個隊長去搶奪跟住就守護埋. 到時一定死狗梗.



Nymex  93.06
Brent    106.67
WTI      86.20


妖! 中東油貴到仆街!

Nymex 84.60
Brent   102.91
WTI     84.99

Brent oil prices surged to near 2-1/2 year highs on Wednesday as fresh tensions between Israel and Iran added to markets already on edge over spreading unrest in the Middle East.

Israel's foreign minister said two Iranian warships planned to sail through the Suez Canal en route to Syria and called the move a "provocation," sending up prices in morning U.S. trade.

Prices remained elevated even though the Iranian naval contingent described by Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman posed no significant military threat to Israel. However, it could spell the closest-ever encounter by the forces of the two old foes, who are geographically distant.

Read more: Oil Jumps on Report Iranian Warships Head to Syria


There is a tendency for the OPEC members (including SA) to over-state their reserves, simply because the allotment of output from OPEC among its members is determined via a formula with direct proportion according to each OPEC member’s stated reserves, as a results the stated reserves of several OPEC members have hardly declined over the years, in order to maintain a lion share of the OPEC governed output.  

Obviously I am not saying that these OPEC members are lying about their level of reserves, as new exploration technology will help to discover new fields and more efficient extraction method hence it is possible the stated reserves level can in fact increase over time (but not forever!).

However the multi-trillion question is how much oil is really left?  Who knows!  I am not sure even if SA officials know neither!


Actually, according to reports, Canada holds the largest oil reserve, but the only problem is the oil is either extra heavy or oil sand. Also, SA's main product is sour crude.


維基解密, 其實沙地唔夠油!!!!

Peak oil, according to Wikipedia, is the point in time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction is reached, after which the rate of production enters terminal decline. Opinions vary on when the world will actually reach a peak oil scenario, but a new report detailed by Julian Assange's infamous Wikileaks website indicates the United States believes it's staring us right in the face – as early as 2012.

Maybe that's what the Mayan calendar is on about?

It may not exactly be the end of the world as we know it, but if the report is accurate, it could mean death to a number of popular vehicular segments; namely the gas-guzzling sport utility vehicle, heavy-duty pickup truck and possible even the mainstream performance car. Electric and hybrid Mustang and Camaro models might not look so bad in the very near future, eh?

This revalatory report centers around a meeting between Sadad al-Husseini, a geologist and former head of exploration at Aramco (the state-owned national oil company of Saudi Arabia), and U.S. officials. Husseini, an expert on the subject, suggested that Saudi Arabia doesn't have as much oil left as the country wants us to believe and that it is unlikely to continue producing its current rate of 12.5 million barrels per day.

None of this is to say that the world has run out of oil – far from it, in fact – but it does mean that Saudi Arabia, the largest country in the Middle East and the country that's thought by experts to hold about one-fifth of the world's proven total petroleum reserves, won't be able to provide enough oil to keep the world operating as it does today.

If nothing else, this report gives us reason to believe that oil prices won't stay nearly as low as they currently are, and that large-scale price increases could happen sooner rather than later. Thanks for the tip, Glenton!


中石化 is giving $1.7 discount per litre provides that the filing is at least HK$400-, pls ask before they switch on the pump.


(明報)2011年2月9日 星期三 17:35

加價後,汽油及超級汽油新價分別是15.58元和16.52元;柴油是10.9元。 (即時新聞)





V能量同Fuel Save汽油每公升加0.15元,新價分別是每公升16.52元及$15.58元;柴油則調高0.2元,至每公升10.9元。

蜆殼表示,今次調高油價是由於新加坡    的離岸油價上升。

Oh fuxk!  I was going to add fuel this evening!  Damn!





(明報)2011年2月7日 星期一 21:05

白金及黃金無鉛汽油新價分別是16.52元及15.58元;歐盟    五期環保柴油是10.9元。(即時新聞)


唉! 又一舊!

Nymex 90.88
Brent   101.44
WTI     90.77



Nymex 90.25
Brent   98.98
WTI     89.34


Oil just dropped $2!






Totally un-expected!

中石化及加德士午夜起減油價,汽油及柴油每公升減五仙,兩種汽油的新價分別是15.33 ...
古惑強 發表於 2011-1-6 22:34


