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Heat insulation tape

According to this
Guide, the 16v turbo manifold is having pipe size is 1 1/2", length is 17"+26"+24"+17"..... thought they are designed to be equal length .. anyway...
total length of pipe is 84", ie. 7 feet
I need to buy 532" of 1" tape = 44 feet
my engine is 4 cylinder, so i will need
1/T11002 tape  
1/T13001 strap

but the strange is, the guide is instructing me to order something that is not in the product list...

回復 3# Simon

After the financial tsunami, My ex-boss used me to charge other ppl at a high price, but paid me at min. wage........i was being exploited cheap labor.  At least new boss is paying me at fair rate now.


足足包左兩個半鐘, 唔怪得要Ceramic Coating, 好多位好鬼難.包.
Let'srock, 你真係唔應該用蕉皮, 你時薪咁高, 包一包要成二三萬.
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Have you figured out the differences between the normal and Ti one?

