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本帖最後由 古惑強 於 2010-10-15 14:02 編輯

http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=14555993

Very interesting data :
加速: 0-100公里, 8.5秒
行駛距離:市區 175公里 (Not a mis-quote as I originally thought)
普通充電需時八小時 (that is good enough for me for night time charging)
重量: 1,660公斤 (that is very heavy, probably due to the big battery pack)

It is a 2 seater despite being mini body, as the battery packs use up the rear spaces.

Too bad there is no pilot lease program in HK, otherwise I would be very eager to try it out.

More info here.

Even more interesting is that “The car’s range is 156 miles (251 km) on a single charge under optimal conditions. Estimates of normal driving conditions put ranges at 109 miles (175 km) city and 96 miles (154 km) highway

Against conventional wisdom, this electric car has higher operating range in city then highway!


More info here.

Even more interesting is that “The car’s range is 156 miles (251 km) on a single ...
古惑強 發表於 2010-10-15 14:02

I don't quite understand why....


very efficent design of electric motor, during traffic stop, no energy waste as the e-motor is stopped ,unlike conventional engine. During highway, wind resistance increase and reduce the overall efficiency.


"During highway, wind resistance increase and reduce the overall efficiency."  
This is the part I don't quite get it.


Imagine the situation as a ballon, you have it inflated.
If you travel in higher speed, air blow out faster, you have short time to blow air.
vice versa.


A conventional petrol engine is normally most efficient at 2000~2500rpm, cruising constantly in top gear at moderate highway speed (50~60km) and without stop start traffic.

My pure guess work here :
For electric motor, the efficiency level of the electric motor is probably linear across the entire revs range, with max torque available at the zero revs, and torque disminish at higher revs as the internal electricial resistance of electric motor increase.

In city driving, the deceleration can actually generate electricty through KERS, where a conventional vehicle will waste such energy as brake heat.

In highway driving, with the vehicle up to speed, wind resistance will increase significantly (in fact by a factor of square vs speed), hence the overall efficiency decrease.  In city driving, at slow speed wind resistance is almost nil.


"During highway, wind resistance increase and reduce the overall efficiency."  
This is the part I d ...
letsrock 發表於 2010-10-15 16:58

Let me guess... assumed the equilibrium is 50km/h, going faster than 50km/h will result less distance to go.


air resistance is getting more significant when speed above 80km/hr, as the velocity effect is squared in the formula.


Thanks!  It makes sense to me now.


充電兩小時行 180公里
相信不少人都認得 MINI的黃色電插頭圖案標記,全因早於 09年於歐美等地開始推行試駕項目的 MINI E已曝光多時,今趟首次到港展出屬亞洲巡迴展覽,藉此宣揚寶馬集團將於 2013年會量產純電車推行 Mega City Vehicle企劃的決心。雖然於車展都見過 MINI E幾次,但始終是第一次揸出街,心情依然興奮。
近年大家逐漸明白電車不一定是弱者,性能拍得住 Cooper S的 MINI E證明畀你睇,電動馬達可輸出 201匹馬力、 220Nm扭力,最高時速可到每小時 152公里,由起步至 100km/h只需 8.5秒,劈住彎上大帽山,一樣可以叫對手食塵。由於只透過電池直接傳送力量到前驅,起步反應明顯一踩即到,最得意的感覺是一放油門即大幅減慢如停,好似細個於荔園玩玩具車。
充電方法跟其他電車相若,油缸蓋變了電插頭,以 220V家用 13m三腳插頭叉電八小時,若配上 50amp(安培)的快速充電器約需叉兩個鐘,叉滿後可行走 170至 180公里,一定夠一日用。


http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... amp;art_id=14586302
【本報訊】本港正推動電動車市場,汽車生產商寶馬去年將 Mini改裝成 Mini E試驗型電動車供各地駕駛者試驗,昨也在港舉辦試車日,讓數十名市民體驗駕駛環保電動車的感覺。有試駕者感覺不錯,「架車夠力行得快同穩」,惟仍須解決充電地方太少等問題。 記者:梁德倫

