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Fiat Recall

本帖最後由 Simon 於 2010-1-5 09:07 編輯

睇緊本舊雜誌Transport Engineer March 2009, 留意到以下事件.

Grande Punto: 28,557 affected
Defect: Risk of short circut caused by heater/climate control wiring rubbing against dashboard brakcet. Wiring retainer clip is missing
Action: Inspect wiring, repair and reposition as necessary Fit new clip.

Bravo: 120 affected
Defect: rear cross member cracks as a result of faulty weld breaking.
Action: Check cross-member identifucation numbers and weld markings Replace cross member if necessary.

你地dPunto係三月之後出車, 應該已經搞掂左呢個問題
而架Bravo只係影響120架, 通常都係最早一批.弋

唔寫唔代表其他車和其他型號無份, 只係因為唔係Fiat Team裡面. 所以唔好以為只係Fiat好多回收問題.


Transport Engineer September 2009
Grande Punto and 500: 1893 affected
Defect: Fuel leaks from faulty manifold cause engine to lose power or stop
Action: Inspect fuel manifold and replace if necessary.

