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http://www.autoblog.com/2011/01/ ... idal-tire-named-ro/
We'll let you all in on a little secret: when we aren't furiously rowing away out our keyboards, snapping photos of our review vehicles or splitting knuckles on the world's worst project vehicles, we're stuck in front of Netflix sucking up a deluge of horrible B movies. We just can't help ourselves. Bad acting and worse editing dipped in the sugary coating of a strange premise is the perfect concoction for shutting off your brain for awhile, which is exactly why we first got excited when we heard about director Quntin Dupieux's new film, Rubber.

The movie centers on an old tire by the name of Robert that somehow comes to life, acquires telepathic powers and sets out on a murderous rampage. If that doesn't sound like B-movie gold, we don't know what does. But after watching the trailer for the flick, we can't help but think this is a legitimate film that just happens to be slumming it alongside flicks like Death Bed – The Bed that Eats.

Even setting our questionable cinematic tastes aside, we can't help but want to see this movie when it hits theaters on April 1. Hit the jump to check the video for yourself.


如果導演食住條水, 橫掂一架車仲有三條呔剩, 下一集應該可以係 合金鈴與橡膠呔.再加一個懸疑佈局, 殺殺殺之後原來仲有一個兇手....就係....士啤呔.



