古惑強 (路蘭道)當前離線
唔使驚,下個禮拜有復活節金多寶 peterkoon 發表於 2010-3-24 11:20
letsrock 發表於 2010-3-24 16:05
letsrock (西貢小鵪鶉)當前離線
peterkoon 當前離線
Simon 當前離線
下期攪珠期數 10/005 攪珠日期 12/01/2010 (星期二) 截止售票時間 晚上 8:45 投注額 $6,801,670 多寶 / 金多寶 $16,224,337 估計頭獎基金 $23,000,000
聖誕節周五來臨,馬會提前在昨日舉行六合彩聖誕金多寶攪珠,頭獎無人中,有 3,065萬多寶撥入下期,馬會預計屆時如一注獨中頭獎,幸運兒可獨得 4,200萬,成為今年最高彩金頭獎得主。由於彩金巨大,下期攪珠延至晚上 9時 15分截止投注, 9時 30分開獎。
I know if you are the one, you will be busy with the twins. letsrock 發表於 2009-11-25 17:28
Yeah sure, however the top prize winner with HK$3.9MM cool hard cash in his / her pocket, will certa ... 古惑強 發表於 2009-11-25 17:07
Letsrock, it's time to put up an ad in the newspaper asking people to buy Mark 6 for you. Simon 發表於 2009-11-25 13:34