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Wine drinking Part 1

本帖最後由 letsrock 於 2010-6-6 17:22 編輯

Heard that some members are interested in wine drinking, so i am sharing some info from Tony Wu dada, who is a serious drinker and also Leica lover:
Before we start, just a friendly reminder, after drinking DO NOT DRIVE!

Thanks all.


波都--加本納Cabernet Sauvignon,
布根地--黑本納怒亞Pinot Noir

去全港最大兩間超市--side氣,勉強在百x找到Cape De Andes$40 or Penfolds 下價酒,其餘質數只可以說是用來煮紅酒蚊鴨而巳.Welxxxx也是一Q樣.店員一般都冇紅酒知識.
去買Robert Parker的書來看--好快唔記得.
去Landmark或Pacific Place的專業酒舖,一二次都不行因聽完不明,要好有耐性.


其實法國紅酒由幾十蚊至十幾萬都有,橋妙就係有冇演進潛力,如配合發育環境,適合年份才開來享受就一世難忘.(如最近閞了一枝First Growth 的1993 Chateau Margaux,簡直冇得頂)註:1993乃一般年份可以早開來飲,但是都儲存了十五年了!

你買本RP Robert Parker 寫的French Wine Buyers Guide 就一定看到,但是,包保你睇完轉頭即刻唔記得,因為太多酒名及區域,如冇基本知識是很難明白的.

由首殖至五殖 (First to Fifth Growth)
跟住就係的精英酒(Cru Bourgeois)
再后就係些區域性酒AOC(Generic Wine)
啦屎係普通日常飲用的Vin de play or VDSQ

啦屎隻 Vine de play / VDQS 唔使儲存,side氣,可即飲.
Generic Wine, AOC 可儲半至一年.
Cru Bourgeois,三至五年可以.
Classified Growth,首殖五大如果好年份十五至三十年好正常,其餘二至五殖由五至十五年不等.

上述乃general guidelines only, it's the basic concept & knowledge,最重要還要看年份,多雨水一定不及充滿陽光的好.

Eg. 2000, 2005 and 2009 are good years

Cabernet Sauvignon - 加本納蘇維翁

頂級產地 - 1) Bordeaux in France 法國波爾多, 2) Tuscany in Italy 意大利托斯加尼.

Cab 可能是全世界最為人所熟識的品種, 因為它可以在不同的氣候成長, 所以無論你去到世界每個角落有紅葡萄酒的地方都幾乎有Cab存在.

你會問我, 智利有Cab, 澳洲有Cab, 南非又話有Cab, 咁點分辨呢?

其實Cab的味道係會因不同種植國家而轉變, 法國的Cab因為氣候及土壤得天獨厚,所以能夠成為經典及全世界的模仿對象.

唔講你唔知, 釀酒師是將Cab混合埋其它葡萄來釀酒,作用乃用以提高酒的馥郁度及層次, 但仍然可以保持Cab獨有之黑加侖子芬香味.

極高質數的Cab可以適合長時間陳年, 其產品成熟后味道芳香馥郁,無語倫比.


偏佬怒娃是唯一一種紅葡萄品種令各方人仕例如飲家, 釀酒師, 果農非常頭痛但又愛又恨的東西.

原因乃Pinot偏佬是一種非常難種的葡萄, 只有極少數地區的氣候和土壤才可以生長出好質數, therefore, Pinot偏佬出產的質量真是一淡沙糖一淡屎,有些好到不得了, 相反, 劣質貨其實充滿市面, 飲左都想嘔番出黎!

認真的偏佬, 顏色偏淡, 味道溫醇而不兇湧, 充滿櫻桃, 草莓, 李子的果味.

頂級的偏佬, 陳年后酒味會轉得更複馥幼細, 且帶有泥土及木香及最重要是柔滑芳香.

全世界最貴的酒 - Romanee Conti 就是由偏佬所做.

其它大名鼎鼎如 Musigny, Bonnes Mares, Chambolle Musigny, Gervey Chambertin 等等都是偏佬的產品.

日本人在15年前巳經訓身偏佬, 所以它們是入口 Burgundy French Wine 亞洲最大之一國家.


頂級產地: 法國布根地, Burgundy France, 澳洲維多利亞省, Victoria, Australia



它有兩個層次, 第一是十分合適wine beginner, 因由它釀出來的酒容易入口,味帶甘甜, 酒質柔滑, 帶有李子, 藍莓香味,所以十分受人歡迎.

半世紀前,Merlot在法國完全不被重視, 因為當時的人太短視, 以為咩撈酒質太輕盈,不能成大器.

後來才知大錯特錯, 法國人后來發覺有兩個地區出產咩撈葡萄的酒經陳年后會比first growth Bordeaux wine 毫不輸蝕才醒覺起來. The two regions 就係 1. Pomerol, 2. St.Emilion 啦.

Pomerol 有大名鼎鼎的Ch Petrus 珀麗酒庄, Le Pin 李鵬, Lafleur, Trotanoy...等等, Merlot 佔了90%以上.

St Emilion 仲嚇死你, 有Ch Ausone, Cheval Blanc, Angelus, Figeac, Pavie等等,Merlot 佔了50% 以上.

這兩區的酒香氣華麗, 纖細柔順,加上如天鵝絨般的風味及穩定的質量, 確是令人拍案叫絕. 這就是第二個層次 -- 引死好多資深紅酒飲家.

絕佳產地: 法國波爾多, 美國加州.


今舖講的士娃, 名氣在法國是不及Cab, Merlot & Pinot.

但在南澳洲郤是鼎鼎大名 - 它就是"Penfolds 奔富酒庄 的Grange"啦. (以往叫Grange Hermitage, 但被法國Rhone Valley 的 Hermitage 區 投訴成功, 所以才dropped左Hermitage個名).

Grange 是公認為全世界最powerful & rich 的乾身紅酒, 它比Pomerol 的 Petrus 更為澎拜. 士娃所做的Grange因太勁揪, 基本上是淨飲好過佐膳.因年產量不多, 頂蓋壹萬箱, 所以價錢是等於法蘭西一級庄價錢 - HK$10,000壹枝都兩野被人掃哂.

講你知, Syrah 在澳洲是叫做Shiraz, 其實是一Q樣野.

好啦,好啦, 講番法國士娃.

飲落去我feel到有胡椒, 香料, 黑朱古力, 咖啡, 甘草味道.

頂級士娃的陳化緩慢, 要十至十五年不等, 成熟后飽滿濃郁.

絕佳產地: 法國南部隆納省, Rhone, France 或 南澳洲 South Australia.

在northern Rhone 出名的區份有Cote Rotie, Crozes Hermitage, Hermitage 等等. 而在southern Rhone 就有Chateauneuf du Pape, Cotes du Rhone, Gigondas 等等.


Next one will be on white wine.

Thanks again for Tony Wu dada's simple, direct summary.


Hello Trevor, glad you like it.   It is a very good intro written by a "high hand", as he was helping other members to know how to appreciate wine.

There are gaps here and there, which i might fill in with my view, but then, my experience is more with red wine and also dessert wine.


"唔講你唔知, 釀酒師是將Cab混合埋其它葡萄來釀酒,作用乃用以提高酒的馥郁度及層次, 但仍然可以保持Cab獨有之黑加侖子芬香味."  This applies to California and French wine mostly.  Some Penfolds are like this too.

"仲有一樣更不利,而家法國好酒的訂價巳是天價,完全冇試酒機會."  Currently, the sales of 2009 (not in the market yet), is going like crazy, because it is suppose to be the best year over the past 32 years.   I have been hunting for "酒花", but the prices are crazy.  The earliest 2009 wine will hit the market on the 3rd Thursday of November, which is 2010 Nov 18th, named Beaujolais Nouveau.   It is a young wine, meant to be chilled (around 13-15 degrees), prices at about $90-$140 per bottle.   Don't think of it as a cheap wine, there is lot of history behind and it is also a good indicator of the french wine from that year.           
All the grapes in the Beaujolais region must be picked by hand. These are the only vineyards, along with Champagne, where hand harvesting is mandatory.
Although meant to be drunk young, this year you can buy a few bottles and drink through out the year because of the ideal weather in France in 2009.


Wow Teddy, good to meet another wine lover here.   I first thought the the dropping Euro could provide some good buying opportunity but our mainland neighbors have pushed the prices to ridiculous levels.   I am now just search for the 4th level Châteaux, so far ordered some Château Giscours.

I recently had the opportunity to come across some very good califonia wine, and have noticed their skills have improved alot very the past 10 years.  Good thing is that is doesn't have as much history as French so the prices won't be pushed up my the mainlanders that fast.   I will be in the states again next month and will be buying more this time.  Excellent value.


Wow...Stag's Leap over Pichon Lalande...

The problem of blind tasting among a group is the "fashion" preference takes over.  
Since Pichon uses less Cab Sau, and most people in HKG prefers full bodied wine, that would really be the french disadvantage.

I haven't tried any of the reds from Stag's Leap, but their Chardonnay is impressive.
I purchased he Silver Palm 2005 and also the Native 9 2006 Pinot from US last time and was very impressed.

I think the 400- 1200 range, the Cali's are definitely catching up really fast.   Great as the Sunday dinner wine at home.  But i am with you with the old world wine, they always have a special place in my heart.


I think organizing a wine dinner opening via a car club is like organizing a Cigar night via a Chruch fellowship.....not really appropriate.

But then, If anyone is interested in going to any, FCC has monthly wine dinners, while i am also happy to recommend fine wine and dine places.
Lawry's in CWB is having 2hr HH on wine buffet.  Too bad they serve too many Auz wine.....(Personally i don't like the Auz wine, they are good, but the taste is too "artificial")

Currently the 2 top of my preference are Bo Innovation and also French Window.  They pair the wine like matching Heaven and Earth.  

Then, if $ is not a problem Krug room at Mandarin oriental is also worth trying.


There are only a few restaurants that I haven't dared to try in Hong Kong, and the Krug Room is one of them.


I know the young sommerlier in french window quite well , he won n rank 1st place in last year somme ...
teddy 發表於 2010-6-7 14:44

    The fat boy?  He has style.... and also a cheese lover!


Oh ic.   I will definitely say hi to him then when i go next time!

Gosh...i love that place...

