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458 車親條粉腸!

以美國D所謂人權法律, 條粉腸可以退休長嘆


Remember the genius who tried to run over an NYPD officer that was writing ticket for said genius' illegally parked Ferrari? Said genius is being sued by said cop for $10 million.

The 458 Spider owner has a name; Julien Chabbot. According to the New York Post, the 28-year-old Internet entrepreneur is being sued by officer Felix Recio, who claims Chabbot intentionally tried to run him over when he was attempting to write a ticket. Recio has reportedly retained lawyer Sal Strazzullo, who has motioned to increase the criminal charges from felony assault to first-degree assault with a deadly weapon. "Chabbott clearly had no regard for Officer Recio's life," said Strazzullo, "hitting him with his Ferrari could have caused serious injured or even death.

According to the report, the August 4 SoHo incident left the 34-year-old officer with "a swollen foot and bruising." Recio continued, "I believe he deliberately drove towards me with an intent to hurt me." Recio is suing for personal injury and says he has not been able to work since the incident.

Meanwhile, Chabbott's attorney, Ben Brafman, denies the upped charges, stating: "We are not aware of any civil lawsuit... I would be shocked if a $10 million lawsuit is in fact being contemplated given the fact that we have developed information to the effect that the officer in question appears to have suffered no injury whatsoever."

We'll see how this sordid legal affair plays out.




基本上揸車嗰條友好低能啫! 有$揸廢拉柴都唔介意俾保護費啦!

